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Keeping House
Song For the Persistence Of Light
About Place Journal, Volume II Issue I - Trees
A literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society
The Song We Say We Do Not Sing
After Lorca Symposium | Southern Humanities Review
Selections from the anthology Verde Que Te Quiero Verde: Pomes After Federcio Garcia Lorca
Contest Finalist x2:
Song for Pink Bloom and Passerine
Song of Collision, Escape
The literary, editorial, journalistic, and artistic works in Terrain.org are of the highest quality, submitted by a variety of contributors for a diverse audience. The works may be idealistic, technical, historical, philosophical, and more. Above all, they focus on the environments around us that both affect and are affected by the human species.
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Best Practices for Building a Critical Reflective Curriculum to Foster Metacognitive Growth in the Higher Education Classroom
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association
The Researcher, Vol. 27, Issue 2
Want to Kick Start a Conversation about Metacognition? Assign the Blind Draft
Learning to Write and Writing to Learn: The Intersection of Rhetoric and Metacognition
Pausing Mid-Stride: Mining Metacognitive Interruptions In the Classroom
Negotiating Chaos: Metacognition in the First-Year Writing Classroom
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